Massage is a useful aid to training/sport recovery and is increasingly being seen as relevant to recreational athletes as well as elite professionals. However, the traditional barriers to massage (cost, time, access to a professional) combined with the advent of doing everything at home during the Covid-19 pandemic have increased the popularity of ‘self-massage’. For the massage professional this might not seem like a great idea, but if this is what my clients want to do I have to respect their choice. This article will help me to educate my patients to perform self-massage safely, even if they can’t do it as effectively as a trained professional. Content covered in this article includes: Recovery Massage Foam Rolling Percussive Massage...
Month: October 2022

Is Cold Therapy Still Applicable Today?
media (25)Localised cold therapy (ice) has long been an accepted part of initial treatment of acute soft tissue injury, but it is now recognised that inflammation is necessary to promote healing and ice is no longer recommended. However, in the absence of soft tissue injury, whole-body cold therapy can be useful for optimising recovery from sports training. Read this article to understand when localised or whole-body cold therapy should or shouldn’t be used so that you can provide individualised recovery advice for your patients. Content covered in this article includes: The Evolution Can Cold Therapy Recover? Cold-Water Immersion Contrast-Water Therapy Whole-Body Cryotherapy Hyperbaric Gaseous Cryotherapy or Neurocryostimulation Where to...
Hamstring Injuries In Football
Hamstring Injuries in Football Part 1: Assessment, Diagnosis and Prognosis [Article] MSK DIAGNOSIS & REHABILITATION |SPORTEX MEDICINE JOURNAL JANUARY 2014 (ISSUE 59) [GROUP OF ARTICLES] 01/01/2014 59MD | MD-CURRENT | FOOTBALL | LOWER-LIMB | REGISTERED | OPEN-ACCESS 0 COMMENTS FAVOURITE This article provides an update on the current available evidence on the assessment, diagnosis, and prognosis of hamstring injuries in soccer. After a detailed insight into the epidemiology, functional anatomy, and injury mechanism for hamstring injuries, a detailed clinical examination, which is supported by clinical evidence, clinical experience and innovative practice, is demonstrated. Finally the recent Munich classification system is presented to...

Functional Training Methods for the Runner’s Myofascial Systems.
The book Fascia in Sport and Movement second edition (edited by Robert Schleip and Jan Wilke) is a compendium of the most up to date information about the structure and function of fascia and its impact on improving strength, mobility and performance and reducing pain and injury, with contributions from 51 leading teachers and practitioners. Read more here.

Stretching the Truth
Stretching is good for us, right? Well, yes and no! It turns out that you have to do the right kind of stretching for the right duration at the right time according to what activity you are about to do. This article makes sense of the confusing mass of literature about stretching and will allow you to give individually tailored, sport-specific advice to your clients about how to get the benefits of stretching while avoiding the potential decrease in power output. This is not only crucial for the professional athlete where marginal gains can make all the difference, but is also useful for amateurs looking for improvements too. A commonly held belief, by both professionals and the public, is that a static stretching (StS) plays an important...
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) and Transverse Soft Tissue Release: A Case Study [Article] SPORTS MASSAGE |STUDENT THERAPIST ARTICLES AND CONTENT |ILIOTIBIAL BAND SYNDROME (ITBS): A LITERATURE REVIEW, CASE STUDIES, MASSAGE THERAPY MASTERCLASS, CLIENT ADVICE LEAFLETS AND PODCAST |CO-KINETIC JOURNAL OCTOBER 2015 (ISSUE 66) [GROUP OF ARTICLES] Does stretching the iliotibal band (ITB) conjure up scenes of torture? For many clients it seems to be a rite of passage, if the treatment has not taken a client’s breath away it can lead to doubts of how good a therapist is or how successful the treatment was. This article will challenge the old school of thought, 'deeper is better' when it comes to treating the ITBS, and that giving it a bit...

Cancer, Exercise and Massage
By Susan Findlay BSc RGN, Dip SMRT, MSMA, MCNHC, MLCSP, Director NLSSM Historically, massage has mistakenly been viewed as a contraindication for individuals who are currently undergoing treatment for, or who have a history of, cancer. Cancer is a broad term used to describe a set of diseases characterised by cell mutation and uncontrolled division of cells in the body that often spread to surrounding tissue forming tumours. Traditionally, it was believed that massage could exacerbate a plethora of illnesses and that massage therapists would even potentially expose themselves to contracting illnesses while spreading it around the body via soft tissue therapy. With advancements in science and a more comprehensive understanding of how the...

Function of the Glutes
The glutes are a true Swiss Army knife of a muscle equipped to handle a wide range of actions from daily movements like walking, standing up from a chair, picking something up off the ground, and carrying groceries, to sporting motions like running, lifting, jumping and striking. And whether you're balancing on one foot, lifting heavy, moving explosively, or carrying out an endurance effort, your glutes are well suited to handle every task. THE FOUR PRIMARY BENEFITS GLUTEAL STRENGTHENING 1. POSTURAL IMPROVEMENTS 2. INJURY AND PAIN PREVENTION 3. INCREASED ATHLETICISM STRENGTH AND POWER 4. PHYSIQUE IMPROVEMENTS In many of the fundamental hip joint actions the glutes are the prime movers, meaning that they are...